Opportunity Lost
The True Cost of Not Providing Mobile Business Apps
An idustry white paper by J. Gold Associates
Is your organization working at the speed of mobile?
Most organizations have a significant lag time between when mobile devices are available for use via MDM or BYOD policies and when they are truly enabled, beyond email and calendar, with business mobile apps. Organizations that are not focused on getting their users functional and flexible mobile apps in a rapid timeframe, end up losing thousands of dollars in opportunity costs and man hours in productivity losses.
In this industry white paper, “Opportunity Lost: The True Cost of Not Providing Mobile Business Apps, ” Jack Gold of J. Gold Associates, discusses how lines of business and IT leaders can work together in the quest for apps to enhance productivity for its workforce.
Download this white paper to learn more about:
A new way of thinking about mobile business apps
The true cost organizations incur when they delay mobile app deployment across the business
Comparing mobile app development methods and true cost of each
How to deliver mobile apps in less time and at a lower cost
J.Gold Associates provides insightful, meaningful and actionable analysis of trends and opportunities in the computer and technology industries. We offer a broad based knowledge of the technology landscape, and bring that expertise to bear in our work. J.Gold Associates provides strategic consulting, syndicated research and advisory services, and in-context analysis to help its clients make important technology choices and to enable improved product deployment decisions and go to market strategies.