PowWow Mobile was incredibly excited to announce at AirWatch Connect our official membership into The AppConfig Community. For those not familiar with the organization, The AppConfig Community is a collection of industry-leading enterprise mobility management (EMM) solution providers and app developers that have come together to make it easier for developers and customers to drive mobility in business. PowWow Mobile joins over 60 companies including leading EMM vendors, VMware AirWatch, MobileIron, IBM MaaS360, JAMF Software, SOTI and Blackberry. According to MobileIron, “The AppConfig Community was founded on the belief that enterprise users should be able to choose the best apps for their jobs without sacrificing security or consistency.”

The idea for the community originated as developers became increasingly frustrated with using proprietary software development kits (SDKs) to enable configuration and management features of their apps through EMM. As a result, accoAppConfigrding to AppConfig, developers were forced to build different versions of their apps for each EMM vendor. Because The AppConfig Community tools and best practices do not require EMM-specific integrations for many enterprise use cases, configuration has become much easier, while security and control is maintained. The community’s standards have also created a much better experience for end users, who now benefit from automated features such as an out-of-the-box experience to give the users instant app access without requiring cumbersome setup flows or user credentials.

The mission of The AppConfig Community is simple and straightforward: to streamline the adoption and deployment of mobile enterprise applications by providing a standard approach to app configuration and management, building upon the extensive app security and configuration frameworks available in the OS. According to its website, benefits for the EMM ecosystem include:


  • Build enterprise-ready apps faster
  • EMM vendor neutral solution
  • Reduce need for proprietary SDK
  • Reduce need for App Wrapping


  • Leverage existing EMM investments
  • Use existing VPN and IAM solutions
  • Better native onboarding user experience
  • Greater selection of business apps

EMM Providers

  • Leverage OS best practices
  • Larger ecosystem of business apps
  • Simplify app configuration
  • Ease management workflows

As a new AppConfig partner, enterprises can now leverage our SmartUX open platform to simplify the management and security of their mobile apps. It’s perfect for organizations to increase productivity and drive their business growth. Other new members to the group, according to SearchMobileComputing.com, include Blackberry, Citrix and Matrix 42. For more information on The AppConfig Community, visit www.appconfig.org